You Already Have The Answers...

yes... yes you do SWAY.
You Already Have The Answers...
If you've been in business for any length of time... battle scars in tact...
Then you my friend are chock full of answers.
If you're a student of life and continue to grow...
You have great wisdom.
Chances are, there are distractions in the way from unlocking them.
Social media clowns. Ads that are entertaining, compelling and harp on your "lack..."
The world burning around you... your family stuck, in a town 1,296 miles away from you.
There are so many things going on...
how often do you take the time out for yourself... think about what's truly going on?
You have a ton of knowledge about what you sell and who will benefit from your goods.
If not, we need to have a pow-wow about this.
because if you've been in business for awhile...
actually taking money in exchange for value...
then you know more about your own audience than I do.
you know why Jim stares at the ceiling at night while his wife scrolls instagram, mindlessly.
You understand that Jim wants his family to live without fear of being tossed out in the street.
You get why it's hard for Jim to believe in himself to take action.
even if you don't serve a Jim, maybe it's a Jenny or a Jackie.
regardless, you know more about them than I do.
Which means, your growth has more to do with what priorities you choose than any outside guru selling a course.
They cannot tell you what you need. Only you can make the decision.
Yet, sometimes we just don't know what to look for or ask to reveal the solution.
It's why we pay mentors and coaches. To ask the smaht questions right?
make sense?
Well, if those questions unlock your next priorities, wanna know what they are?
...if so...