Want Help With Your Marketing & Strategy?
If you want to create a magnetic attraction towards your programs and events, that bring in fans and have strangers singing your name from the mountains, then keep reading…
Because if we are a good fit your you, then we’ll do everything in our power to help build a moat around your castle.
That’s what our style of results-driven work can do for the right person.
Unfortunately, we can’t work with more than 3 partners at a time.
We have a very small operation and need to focus our efforts to help make it rain.
Before we get started, you should know a few tidbits about us.
We focus on a few specific strategies in the world of marketing and business to increase the lifetime value of your clients.
- Magnetically attract cold eyeballs & turn them into warm prospects via the “Magnetic Expert Campaign.”
- Turn old buyers into a 25k+ per month income streams using the White Glove Ushering System
- Turn nonbuyers and lost activations into new found money.
The goal is to get results and make it rain by offering an amazing service (without any ‘shame’y‘ sales tactics)
With that said, we are useless unless you have a few criteria in place. I know my strengths and would not want to waste your time…
Let me explain a bit more:
Who We Can Help:
You must have an email list: This is a given, right? I can’t do anything else without it.
You must be actively collecting new (opt in) subscribers: Have a newsletter or optin box? Great. Keep going.
You must have a damn good product: We can’t polish a turd. We’re in the business of solving problems here, so let’s do so.
You need to be making money & generating new customers: We are building businesses, not hobbies. I don’t want to build the business from scratch for you.
You gotta be a cool human being: Life is too short to deal with micromanagers & folks who live in a box. If we can have a good laugh without the drama, then let’s have at it.
Here’s What We Can Do Together:
Everything here falls into becoming a Magnetic Expert.
- Magnetic Expert Campaign Strategy & Planning
- White Glove Ushering – Cashflow Partnering
- VIP Day – Half Day or Full Day Strategy and Done With You
- Direct response marketing strategy
- Cash Flow & Rainmaking Campaign
- Autoresponders/automated sequences
- Behavior-driven email & copy sequences
- E-commerce email automations & funnels
- Flash Sales, Etc…
- Interested in something different? Just ask. (As long as it’s in our realm our genius, we might be able to help)
If you’re interested in working with us on magnetically attracting the BEST clients into your programs, let’s chat.