Lord Rosa's New Experiment Starting This Month...
If I Offered To Fill Your VIP Day, Mastermind or Higher Priced Offer...
...Without grueling 68 minute phone calls
...Without energy draining webinars
...and you don't pay a dime until AFTER you see the money in your account
Would you take me up on that offer?
All you do is collect the money, deliver a great service &
pay me on time

How's it going?
This is gonna be short and sweet... And Very Profitable for the right person. (Like Buy a Car in a single payment kinda profitable)
because if you have a customer database, buyers list, or a direct mail list of buyers... (heck... even phone numbers)
...then you're sitting on a goldmine.
A goldmine you may not have time or energy to swing at.
A goldmine that can pay you decent wads of cash.
Like "Joker sliding down the mountain of money with a cigar" kinda cash

well...maybe not thaaat much... ;)
This is why why I've written this short page.
My name is David Rosa - or as you can see, Lord Rosa... and I want to partner with good folks to cashflow their neglected assets.
I've been in the direct marketing game for the better part of a decade. Winning and losing, getting battle scars while watching clients make huge wins.

Proof of land ownership for Lordship title
but over the years, I've spread myself too thin.
Taking on many different marketing jobs(as a freelancer). From Copywriter to Operations Manager. To tech support... AHHH
So, after some deep introspective, I've forced myself to narrow down to what I'm REALLY good at.
and that happens to be solving big problems in simple, easy ways.
In this case, taking neglected buyer data to create a flow of new money from it.
These folks are already primed buyers... and I'll do all the hard work to give you a nice payday...
...without getting on the phone or spending a lot of energy answering questions.
...without shady dirty tactics that damage reputations.
...just good vibez & happy clients
I've put together a system out of sheer laziness to see whether they're In Or Out.
So my laziness is your big payday if we are a good fit.
Here's what's going on...
I'm setting aside time this fall to partner with a few good people. To bring in a 5 & 6 figure paydays, selling their own mid-tier offers.
Such as VIP days, Masterminds, Workshops, Information Products, etc...
Without getting on the phone, wasting time doing support, or answering questions. None of that nonsense you don't wanna deal with.
It's simple...
I do all the work & You collect the money.
the caveat here is that I get paid AFTER you profit.
Wait... How Do You Get Paid Lord Rosa?
I'm glad you asked.
With a reasonable percentage cut of this new profit.
No high fee upfront retainers, with no guarantees it will work.
Fair enough?
Unfortunately through many cuts and bruises, I know I can't work with everyone. In fact I'm totally useless to you if a few bits aren't in place...
Here's Who Fits Best With This Offer
(I'm totally useless otherwise)
If you have a customer database, buyers email list or the direct mail addresses of your buyers....
...and you can get at least 500 opens from said list.
...and you have a great reputation for delivering value.
...and have a workshop, group coaching, VIP day, Mastermind offer between 3k - 15k (could be more)
...or have old information products sitting in cyber dust, with incredible value
...aaaand this makes sense to you,
then I'd love to talk more about it.
If so, Send and email to david @ highvaluecustomer.co and I'll reach out within the next 48 hours with the next steps. (yes, I get it. You have to put data in your outlook or gmail account, sorry for the massive inconvenience)
Thanks & We'll Talk Soon,

David "Lord" Rosa
P.S. We are NOT getting married here. There are ZERO commitments or exchanges. I just wanna know if I can help you cashflow your hidden goldmine.
Let's have some coffee.
P.P.S. As you can see, I don't take myself too seriously. I enjoy life. Have a laugh, but let's get stuff done.
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