Have Customers ordering your CBD products, but not sure what to do next?
Let Me Use My
CBD Email Playbook
Guaranteed To Boost Your Cash Flow
Or No $$ is Paid
Interested in being a case study?
If your CBD product is great, and you get consistent first time sales... but aren't bringing those customers back in a fun, unique way...
Then you stand to have a huge boost in orders if you read this page.
Because I've created a system of communication, if you let me implement(or do yourself)... will give you a guaranteed order bump for your products.
how can I be so sure?
... because if you let me do all the work and you see diddly squat, I don't eat.
Let me explain
I'm looking for a case study to help launch my CBD backend operation.
So I wanna write a full blown campaign to your email database, selling your own products... for no crazy upfront fees.
In fact, I'm not gonna ask for anything but a percentage of the proceeds.
Whats the catch?
There are a few caveats we'll get to in a minute, but...
...Business owners take too much risk on agencies and freelancers.
Why not let me take some of that risk and have some skin in the game.
It will give us both incentive to push on.
To where we both slide down a pile of monay!

well...maybe not thaaat much... ;)
This is why why I've written this short page.
My name is David Rosa - or as you can see, Lord Rosa... and I'm a new adopter to CBD.

Proof of land ownership for Lordship title
It's personally changed my life.
Once I took a quality product, my stress flew off my shoulders.
I was no longer worried about anything. My anxiety stopped to a halt.
It was mind blowing.
Mostly because I NEVER considered myself to be stressed. Or depressed. Or have anxiety.
It was just how I felt.
I thought it was normal to have those crazy ups and downs.
The drastic difference opened my eyes to a world I didn't know existed.
I mean, I started losing my hair at 26 for crying out loud. And my family has NO signs of baldness.
I'm now a full fledged believer and advocate.
That's why I'm using my 10 year marketing background to partner with good folks to generate cash flow to consistently grow their business.
Mainly using email strategies.
How Do You Know If You're Losing Monay?
If you don't mail or communicate often, you're possible losing money.
Leaving your audience dormant, lost in the wind is the number one sin I've seen across my time in the business.
I don't mean you should piss anyone off with days of annoying spam.
No, I mean solving problems using engaging & super stories.
Having fun & informing people why you are the best in the world.
No hard sales or pitching at all.
The thing is, I've been in the direct marketing game for the better part of a decade.
Winning and losing, getting battle scars while watching clients make huge wins.
but over the years, I've spread myself too thin.
Taking on many different marketing jobs(as a freelancer). From Copywriter to Operations Manager. To tech support... AHHH
So, after some deep introspective, I've forced myself to narrow down to what I'm REALLY good at.
and that happens to be solving big problems in simple, easy ways.
In this case, taking neglected customer list to create a flow of new money from it.
At the drop of a dime...
whenever you want...
Like withdrawing cash from an ATM!
You see, these people have already experienced your brand. They know and hopefully like you.
Wouldn't you like them to come back? and come back more often.
The thing is, most people stop shopping because life gets in the way.
Things happen.
And we forget.
If you have a good quality CBD product, chances are they're silently waiting for you to reach out to them.
This is NOT theory either.
This is backed with years of direct response trenches experience.
Those folks are already primed buyers...
and my goal is to entertain them, show your worth and get them coming back for more.
Of course... I'll do all the hard work to give you a nice payday...
...without shady dirty tactics that damage reputations.
...just good vibez & happy clients
The CBD Email Playbook
I've put together a system out of sheer laziness to see how to leverage time and get orders from many people at once.
Instead of individual selling.
It's worked for plenty of product selling industries and supplements.
These are automated messages that sell for you day or night.
When you're sleeping or busy putting out fires.
They don't make excuses or call in sick.
They are what every business under the sun (who want to succeed) should have in their businesses.
So my laziness is your big payday if we are a good fit.
Here's what's going on...
I have a playbook of email strategies to input in any CBD company database to bring back customers.
To indoctrinate and generate first time sales...
to capture lost sales, and more...
It's simple...
I will do all the work & You collect the money.
the caveat here is that I get paid AFTER you profit.
Wait... How Do You Get Paid Lord Rosa?
I'm glad you asked.
With a reasonable percentage cut of this new profit.
No crazy upfront fee + retainers with no guarantees it will work.
No bait and switch. High flying claims.
I do the work, we check the numbers, you either smile with giddy happiness or I don't get a dollar.
**mini disclaimer. Not everything works 100% of the time, every time... it's business & marketing. There will always be risks. But I'm willing to work with anyone to make sure they are gaining momentum with a reliable strategy for growth.**
Fair enough?
Now, unfortunately through many cuts and bruises, I can't work with everyone. In fact I'm totally useless to you if a few bits aren't in place...
Here's Who Fits Best With This Offer
(I'm totally useless otherwise)
If you have at least 500 customer emails or a database of emails from non-buyers....
...and you have a great CBD brand
...and have a damn good quality product (with proof & testimonials)
...you have a system of generating new customers regularly
...and can stomach a % of revenue share from my efforts (it won't be huge... I know you have overhead & costs)
...aaaand this makes sense to you,
then I'd love to talk more about it.
If so, enter your email in this little box below and I'll reach out within the next 48 hours to chat.
Thanks & We'll Talk Soon,

David "Lord" Rosa
P.S. We are NOT getting married here. There are ZERO commitments or exchanges. I just wanna know if I can help you cashflow your hidden goldmine.
Let's have some coffee.
P.P.S. As you can see, I don't take myself too seriously. I enjoy life. Have a laugh, but let's get stuff done.
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